Upgrade Files

This document provides the following information regarding firmware/software upgrade files for all Microplex products.


File Formats

Firmware Upgrade Files

Filenaming for firmware upgrade files will follow the format "<prod>_<typ>.<ext>.<cmp>", where;

  • <prod> = product name, some examples are;
    • m202plus.
    • m205.
    • m270.
    • m270clr.
  • <typ> = file type.
    • <blank> = firmware (default, the "_" delimeter is not used).
    • dl = downloader.
    • fs = collection of support files (e.g. html, gif, java applets, scripts, utility programs).
  • <ext> = file extension.
    • bin = binary format file.
    • hex = binary (hexidecimal) format file.
  • <cmp> = compression format used.
    • zip = WinZip format.

Some example filenames according to the given format;

  • m202plus.hex.zip = firmware binary file for m202plus product.
  • m205.hex.zip = firmware binary file for m205 product.
  • m205_dl.hex.zip = downloader binary file for m205 product.
  • m270clr_fs.zip = support files for m270clr product.

Software Upgrade Files

Filenaming for software upgrade files will follow the format "<soft>.<ext>", where;

  • <soft> = software program name, some examples are;
    • ipassign.
    • mps.
    • waldo.
  • <ext> = file extension
    • exe = Windows executable.
    • tar.Z = Unix tar (tape archive) in compress format.
    • zip = WinZip format.

Some example filenames according to the given format;

  • waldo.exe = executable file for waldo program.
  • mps.zip = zip file containing mps program files.
  • npdist.tar.Z = compressed tar file for npdist program.


Getting Upgrade Files

There are several ways to get the necessary upgrade files:

Microplex WEB Site (http://www.microplex.com/)

Once you get to Microplex's home page, simply click on Technical Support to bring up the "Support Shack".

Click on Download Distribution Files to bring up links for all of the Microplex products. Here you will find links for each Microplex product model (e.g. M202Plus, M205, M270Clr etc.). Select the link of the product you wish to upgrade to access it's distribution files.

Once at the products distribution file page, you can download the necessary files by simply selecting the links which are available.

Microplex Customer Service or Technical Support

If you do not have access to the Internet, you can call or write to Microplex to order a diskette containing these upgrade files. Be sure to ask for Customer Service or Technical Support and have your product's serial number and current firmware version on hand along with your full shipping address.


Firmware File Security
At the very end of each of the upgrade files (i.e. download and firmware binary files once uncompressed), a line will be appended consisting of these parts:
  1. product model
    • suitable for that particular file (e.g. "C205..." means this file can be used with M205 and M206 models only).
  2. type
    • the type of file (e.g. "...DLTFTP..." says this is a download file rather than a firmware binary file).
  3. version
    • the version of that file (e.g. "C205-DLTFTP 5.6 1643" is version 5.6).
  4. checksum
    • the checksum for that file (e.g. "C205-ROM 5.6 14699" has a checksum of 14699).

These lines were incorporated into the upgrade files as a security measure to prevent users from mixing up files with product models and using incorrect versions with each other. They do nothing more than protect the unit from upgrade mishaps.


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